Prime Minister Sunak asks us to trust him for ‘he has a plan’ to take the nation forward, when in fact the only gear we are in at the moment is reverse.

What is this plan? Currently all aspects of life are in decline - defence, NHS, public services, transport, energy, standard of living, community relations, a Treasury wallpapered with billions of IOUs and no money in the till.

All opinion polls suggest the people want a change. The question is to what?

Experience of previous Labour governments tells me we would be leaping from the frying pan into the fire.

At the moment the future looks somewhat bleak, certainly not very bright.

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby


Cereal’s no main meal

The gap between those with more money than they know how to spend and those struggling to pay for essentials is widening, I believe.

How cynical for the director of a cereal company to suggest his product as a main meal (We can’t all live on cereal alone, March 11).

For the price of a bowl of cereal more nourishing food could be bought anyway - fresh vegetables, a loaf of bread, pasta, rice and so on. How much of what is paid for a box of cereal goes into the packaging and advertising?

Rose Berl, Vine Street, York


‘There is no money’

After last week’s budget I was wondering if any of the remaining Conservative representatives in the area could pass on a reminder to the Chancellor for me, just in case it gets forgotten in the chaos of the upcoming General Election.

The tradition is to leave a note for your successor, and in the case of Jeremy Hunt I suggest he writes the following: “I’m afraid there is no money. Good luck.”

Dr Scott Marmion, Woodthorpe