AS businesses increase their cyber security measures, it is no surprise that cyber criminals are looking for easier and equally lucrative targets.

As a result, high net worth individuals are finding themselves in the firing line.

High net worth individuals are exposed to various types of attack, including identity theft, hacking, ransomware, and extortion.

Here are some measures to improve on-line security.

Use Anti-Virus Protection

The first requirement is a robust defence and it is essential that an advanced level of anti-virus protection is used.

Accept Software Updates

Software updates that pop up on devices, operating systems and mobile apps will include security patches and updates and fix bugs, or security flaws.

By accepting these updates, you will make life harder for cyber criminals.

Don’t Get Phished

Cyber criminals will use email in an attempt to socially engineer an individual, a practice referred to as ‘phishing’.

Do not open any email until you are sure that it is legitimate, a simple email opening routine can help reduce your risk:

Do I recognise the sender?

Was I expecting this?

Are there links and attachments in the email?

Delete Those Cookies

We all accumulate masses of cookies and other tracking in our browsers. A routine clear-out can protect you against viruses and fake websites and block attempts to steal your personal information.

Beware of Social Media Posts

The oversharing of personal information on social media allows cyber criminals to build a behaviour profile that can be used against a potential victim.

Posted information about movements, hobbies etc can result in contact from a seemingly genuine acquaintance, trying to ascertain information such as banking and credit card information.

John Goodacre is Commercial Account Executive at PIB Insurance Brokers in York.